Where: Rowan University Music Building, Pfleeger Concert Hall (North Campus Drive, Glassboro, NJ 08028)
Park in the lot nearest Wilson Hall (Lot 0-1). Please allow for extra time if you are unfamiliar with the campus
When: Tuesday, March 8th
All students have confirmed that they can either drive themselves or obtain a ride to Rowan. - If someone else is driving you, please make sure you confirm this with them. Do not assume!
7am - 8am, Student drop off.
Mr. Kuntz will arrive at Rowan around 6:45am.
All students must be in the building and accounted for by 8am
All students must arrive already wearing their concert attire (all black)
Make sure you eat breakfast before you arrive and bring a bag lunch with you. We will be returning to school after all of the lunch periods have ended.
8am, begin setting up equipment
8:30am, warm up
9am, performance
9:45am - 1pm, pack up equipment and watch other bands perform
1pm, bus picks us up to head back to the high school
Students are excused from all of their classes
Permission Slip: Permission slips must be filled out and signed by parents and returned to Mr. Kuntz ASAP. A paper copy was also sent home.
Before the Event:
Students will need to bring their instrument and music home on Monday (3/7) night so they can bring them to Rowan the next morning.
Percussion: We’ll have to pack everything on Monday during lunch periods and make a pile at the front of the Band room by the white board. Mr. Kuntz should be able to transport most of it.