Wind Ensemble and Concert Band are combining to perform Sleigh Ride and A Holiday Sing-Along at the end of the Winter Concert (VPA Showcase).
Friday, December 8th
- Students help transfer all of the percussion equipment back stage during periods 6 and 7.
- Percussionists, create a list ahead of time of the instruments we'll need.
Monday, December 11th (Technical Rehearsal during the school day)
- All Wind Ensemble and Concert Band students are excused from classes during periods 2 and 3 to rehearse together on stage. It's the first time Wind Ensemble and Concert Band will play together!
- Please be proactive and tell your teachers ahead of time. This is not an excuse to miss assignments, tests, quizzes...etc.
- 8:23am (beginning of period 2), Get instruments from the Band room, leave your back packs in the band room, set up chairs and stands, warm up on stage on your own
- 8:43am, Warm Up exercises and tune
- 8:53am, Rehearse Sleigh Ride and A Holiday Sing-Along (44 min)
- 9:37am, clean up
- 9:47am, period 3 bell rings, students go to periods 4-9.
Tuesday, December 12th (Dress Rehearsal during the school day)
- Check in with your Homeroom teacher. Report to the Band room when called down by PA announcement.
- All Wind Ensemble and Concert Band students are excused from classes during periods 1 - 8.
- Please be proactive and tell your teachers ahead of time. This is not an excuse to miss assignments, tests, quizzes...etc.
- Period 1, Meeting in the auditorium with Ms. Shoemaker and other teachers to explain how the day will run.
- Periods 2 - 4, First run through of the entire concert.
- If you perform in multiple groups, take note of the Concert Order below. Make sure you and your music/equipment is ready to go for fast transitions. Students are expected to watch the other groups perform during the first run through. Today will be your only opportunity to watch the choir, dance, and acting classes perform. Tomorrow night you will need to stay in the band room until it's time for us to perform.
- Concert Order:
- Combined Choirs perform
- Concert Choir performs
- Dance 4 performs
- Acting 3 (part 1) performs
- Dance Team performs
- Acting 3 (part 2) performs
- Students will warm up and tune in the Band room while Acting 3 is performing.
- Chamber Choir performs
- Stage crew and percussion will set up behind the closed curtain while the choir is singing. We need to be as quiet as possible while setting up!
- Once the stage is set, all band students will report to the stage
- Wind Ensemble and Concert Band perform
- Periods 5 - 7, second run through of the entire concert
- Bring a bag lunch. Students will eat in the band room during the 2nd run through. Students that get free/reduced lunch can get a pass from Mr. Kuntz to go to the cafeteria to get their lunch.
- Same warm up and stage set up process as the first run through (during Acting 3 and Chamber Choir).
- Period 8, clean up and head back to class
Wednesday, December 13th (Concert Day! After school)
- 5:45pm, Students performing in chamber groups before the concert report and warm up together.
- 6pm, be ready to play outside the lobby. Groups can take turns playing.
- 6pm, Pre Concert Activities
- Specifically, the Band Parents will be selling the following items if you're interested:
- Star Grams ($1)
- Candy Grams ($2)
- Balloons (1 for $3 or 2 for $5)
- Flowers ($5)
- 6:30pm, All students report for attendance. You may arrive earlier if you like to walk around and view some of the art work (Recommended! Doors open at 6pm).
- Arrive already dressed. See below for concert dress (same as Fall Concert)
- Parking is usually limited so I would suggest arriving early if you don't want to walk too far.
- Percussion will need to check to make sure all of the equipment they need is back stage.
- Students can stay in the band room after school if they can't go home and come back.
- 7pm, Concert Starts in the High School Auditorium
- Tickets must be purchased for this event. You can either scan the QR Code in the flyer above or go to https://monroetwp.ludus.com/index.php . Seats are first come, first serve so I wouldn't wait to buy your tickets! Show up early if you want to have first choice for your seats! *Keep in mind, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble are combining to play 2 songs at the very end of the concert.
- Advance Tickets Online: $3 Students, $5 Adults/Seniors
- Tickets purchased at the door: $5 Students, $8 Adults/Seniors
- Both groups will warm up and tune in the band room before we go on stage.
- 9pm (approx), Concert Ends
- All of the music stands, chairs, and percussion equipment can be left back stage (covered and put away properly) for Friday's assemblies.
Friday, December 15th (Assemblies for the High School students)
*Updates in Red made on 12/1
- All Wind Ensemble and Concert Band students are excused from classes during periods 1 - 2.
- Check in with your Homeroom teacher. Report to the Band room when called down by PA announcement.
- Period 1, students are excused from class to set up equipment and warm up. Grab a blue Santa hat if you like! Feel free to dress in festive clothing! Mr. Kuntz will be wearing his ugly sweater!
- Period 2 (part 1), Assembly for 9th and 12th graders
- Period 2 (part 2), Assembly for 10th and 11th graders
- Periods 3 - 5, Assembly for Middle School Students
- Students must attend classes during periods 6 - 9. Students will bring the chairs, stands, and percussion equipment back to the Band room during period 6.
Concert Etiquette Reminders for students
- Do not enter/exit the auditorium in the middle of a piece unless it’s an emergency. Only enter when you hear applause.
- No talking, texting, sudden noises, or flash photography. If you can’t resist the urge to talk to your friends while sitting next to them, don’t sit next to them.
Dress: Concert Black. Please arrive already dressed!
- Wind Ensemble
- Tuxedo jacket and pants with long sleeve black dress shirt
- Gown or one of the two Concert Band options
- Concert Band
- Option 1: ALL BLACK - Black blouse or dress top, ¾ sleeve length or longer. Full-length black skirt or full cut loose-fitting slacks. Black dress shoes and black hosiery.
- Option 2: ALL BLACK - Black dress shoes (no sneakers!), long black socks, black dress pants, black belt, and a black button down dress shirt. A black undershirt is preferred, especially if you are not wearing a tie. Black jacket and/or black tie optional. (No gray or dark blue.)
- Do not wear jeans, leggings, sneakers, polo shirts, or white socks. All concert dress items must be dress code approved. If you are not sure if your clothes are appropriate, ask in advance. Students who are not dressed properly will not be allowed to perform and you will need to complete an Alternate Assignment.