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NJMEA All-State Band Information 2025

Mr. Kuntz

This information is for All-State elligible students only. If you did not earn a spot in one of the SJBODA Region Band ensembles, please do not complete these steps.

Read through the information on the NJMEA All-State Band website.

Please prepare all of the audition requirements (scales/rudiments, solo, sight reading...etc.). I typically like to have students complete a mock audition (one-on-one/in a group) about 1-2 weeks before auditions.

Here is a playlist of most of the solos (find other recordings of different soloists performing your solo as well!)

Auditions are held at J.P. Stevens HS in Edison, NJ (855 Grove Ave, Edison, NJ 08820). No transportation will be provided.

Please make sure you also read through and mark down all of the rehearsals and performance dates before committing to audition. All of the rehearsals and performances are mandatory and students must attend every rehearsal for the full time to remain a member of the ensemble.

*Talk to Mr. Kuntz, Ryan, Gia...etc. about any other prior commitments you have before agreeing to audition. Don't assume they know!

The Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Band rehearsals and concert & Orchestra rehearsals and concert are on different dates. You can qualify for both ensembles, but please make sure you are available for ALL of the dates for each ensemble you select on your audition registration.

- The All-State Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Band perform at the AC Convention Center in February 2025

- The All-State Orchestra performs in November 2025. Only students in grade 9-11 are allowed to audition for All-State Orchestra


- First, complete the Online Student Audition Registration Link (also on the website)

- Once your application has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation at your e-mail address.

- Remember, you can only audition on instruments you received qualifying scores for.

- Ex. You auditioned for Region Band on Piccolo and Flute. You only received qualifying scores on Flute, therefore, you're only allowed to audition for All-State Band on Flute.

- If you qualified and plan to audition on multiple instruments, you need to submit individual online applications for each instrument. This includes percussion auditioning on battery, and/or mallets, and/or timpani. Please speak to Mr. Kuntz before submitting multiple online applications to avoid seating confusion.

- Print the signature page you're redirected to after you complete the online registration. Let me know if you need me to print a copy for you.

- This signature sheet needs to be completed, signed by you AND A PARENT, and returned to Mr. Kuntz along with the application fee no later than Monday, January 6th. This date is different from the date on the form because I need time for Mr. DeStefano to approve and sign all of your forms before I mail them.

- If you are auditioning on multiple instruments, you only need to complete ONE signature form listing all instruments on which you are auditioning.


- We need to decide as a group how we pay for All-State auditions. $30 per instrument.

- Option 1: Everyone pays by cash or check made out to Val Kuntz (I will submit 1 personal check on behalf of Williamstown HS students). Due Monday, January 6th.

- Ex. if a student auditions on alto sax and tenor sax, please submit $60 to Mr. Kuntz

- Option 2: Everyone pays online. $30 + a $1.50 service fee. I would prefer if you could submit payment this way, but we need to discuss this as a group, before we make a decision.

Day of Auditions (Sat, 1/18) Schedule:

- 9am, Registration opens.

- Registration closes at 1pm. You may arrive anytime within those 4 hours.

- Your audition will consist of:

- All your major scales

- Solo (same as SJBODA, have the entire solo prepared)

- Make sure you have an original copy of the solo with you or they won't let you use your personal photocopy

- Sight reading

- Auditions Snow Date on Wednesday, 1/22. Also at J.P. Steven's HS.

Reading Rehearsal at Bridgewater-Raritan High School

- Monday, February 3, 2025

- 5pm, Check-in

- 6pm - 9pm, Rehearsal

Weekend Rehearsal Dates in Atlantic City, NJ

*A specific itinerary will be distributed to students that earn spots in the ensemble. This is a temporary itinerary of events

- Thursday, February 20, 2025 (you should be able to attend school all day, then travel to Atlantic City)

- Registration 3pm - 5pm

- Rehearsal in the evening

- Spend the night in the convention center hotel in Atlantic City

- Friday, February 21, 2025 (you would need to miss school, you would be given excused absences)

- Rehearsals in the morning and afternoon

- Spend the night in the convention center hotel in Atlantic City

- Saturday, February 22, 2025

- Sound check & concert at AC Convention Center

- Get picked up from the convention center and head home in the afternoon

- Sunday, February 23, 2025

- Concert at NJPAC in Newark, NJ. Times TBD, plan for the whole day.

*As mentioned above, you will need to spend 2 nights in the hotel. This will cost about $400-$450 which will cover your registration, hotel room, meals...etc. An exact amount will be disclosed to students that earn spots in the ensemble.


Williamstown High School

700 N. Tuckahoe Rd.

Williamstown, NJ 08094

(856) 262-8200

Site © 2021 Williamstown Band Parents Association.

Some items © 2021 Monroe Township Public Schools.

Additional copyrighted media used with permission.

All rights reserved.

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