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March CJMEA Festival Information

Mr. Kuntz

Updated: Mar 14, 2024

Only Wind Ensemble will be performing at this festival. This concert is worth a Major Assessment Grade for the 3rd Marking Period.

All students need to fill out the following Permission Slip.

Wednesday, March 20th

  • During the school day, Concert day prep

    • Make sure all of the percussion equipment is accounted for and packed

    • Make sure all students have music, mutes, instruments...etc.

  • 3:15pm, Report already dressed in concert attire. Take attendance and go over the plan.

    • If you can't go home and come back, you're welcome to stay in the Band room after school.

  • 3:30pm, Load the Bus. All instruments and percussion equipment will be loaded onto the bus.

  • 3:45pm, Depart Williamstown HS (1hr 30min drive)

    • Please plan to bring something (not messy) to eat on the bus so you can eat before the performance.

    • Students can also bring money to purchase concessions after our performance.

  • 5:15pm, Arrive at North Brunswick HS (98 Raider Rd, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902)

    • Load in, unpack instruments, use bathrooms

  • 6pm, Warm Up

  • 6:30pm, Performance

  • 7pm - 9pm, Pack up instruments and watch other groups perform

    • This is no awards ceremony

  • 9:15pm, approximate load buses

  • 10:45pm, approximate return to WHS

  • 11pm, approximate dismissal after clean up

Concert Etiquette Reminders for students

- Never enter/exit an auditorium in the middle of a piece unless it’s an emergency. Only enter when you hear applause.

- No talking, texting, sudden noises, or flash photography. Pictures without a flash are fine If you can’t resist the urge to talk to your friends while sitting next to them, don’t sit next to them.

Dress: Concert Black. Please arrive already dressed!

- Wind Ensemble

- Option 1: ALL BLACK. Tuxedo jacket and pants with long sleeve black dress shirt

- Option 2: ALL BLACK - Gown or one of the two Concert Band options

- Concert Band

- Option 1: ALL BLACK - Black blouse or dress top, ¾ sleeve length or longer. Full-length black skirt or full cut loose-fitting slacks. Black dress shoes and black hosiery.

- Option 2: ALL BLACK - Black dress shoes (no sneakers!), long black socks, black dress pants, black belt, and a black button down dress shirt. A black undershirt is preferred, especially if you are not wearing a tie. Black jacket and/or black tie optional. (No gray or dark blue.)

- Do not wear jeans, leggings, sneakers, polo shirts, or white socks. All concert dress items must be dress code approved. If you are not sure if your clothes are appropriate, ask in advance. Students who are not dressed properly will not be allowed to perform and you will need to complete an Alternate Assignment.


Williamstown High School

700 N. Tuckahoe Rd.

Williamstown, NJ 08094

(856) 262-8200

Site © 2021 Williamstown Band Parents Association.

Some items © 2021 Monroe Township Public Schools.

Additional copyrighted media used with permission.

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