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Folder, Sheet Music & Textbook Pick Up

Mr. Kuntz

Good evening everyone

I accidentally made a mistake while looking at the textbook pick up dates and times. I thought students/parents could pick up materials next week, but when I went back and read through my emails again, the dates and times occur over the next few days. Therefore, you have 2 options to pick up your materials:

Option 1 - Thursday, 9/10 & Friday, 9/11 from 8am-3pm at the high school main entrance.

Option 2 - Saturday, 9/12 at 1pm (at the end of Marching Band rehearsal) outside the theater entrance. *This option is only for Band/Music Theory materials. I will not have materials from your other teachers on Saturday.

If you are in Marching Band, I will give you your materials on Saturday before rehearsal as you're checking in.

If you are NOT in Marching Band, please let me know which option works better for you so I can make the necessary arrangements. If neither option works, please reach out to me on Remind so we can try to set up a different date/time.


Williamstown High School

700 N. Tuckahoe Rd.

Williamstown, NJ 08094

(856) 262-8200

Site © 2021 Williamstown Band Parents Association.

Some items © 2021 Monroe Township Public Schools.

Additional copyrighted media used with permission.

All rights reserved.

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