Wind Ensemble and Concert Band will be performing at this concert. This concert is worth a Major Assessment Grade for the 3rd Marking Period. It will give the Wind Ensemble students the opportunity to perform our festival repertoire before we perform at the CJMEA festival in March. It also gives parents the opportunity to hear us perform this music if they're not able to attend the festival. The music performed at this concert will be different from the music performed at the Spring Concert in May.
Friday, February 9th
- All students: Plan ahead to take home your instruments and music. Monday is a teacher in-service so you'll be driving to the Pfeiffer Center from home.
- Percussion: Create a list ahead of time of everything we'll need. Pack all smaller instruments, mallets, sticks...etc. and put them at the front of the Band room.
- We need to bring everything. All chairs, all music stands...etc.
Monday, February 12th (Concert Day! In the evening)
*Please note - there is no school on this day. Please review all of the information with your parents to make sure no one goes on any surprise vacations or day trips!
- 4:30pm - Select student volunteers will help load the blue trailer
- 5:15pm/5:30pm - Any students interested in helping with setting up equipment, chairs, stands...etc. may arrive at this time. (Not sure how long packing the blue trailer will take).
- 6pm - Latest report time for all students. Pfeiffer Community Center. Please arrive already dressed!
- Students are in charge of getting their instruments and music to the Pfeiffer Center. Once the equipment is driven over to the Pfeiffer Center, you will not be able to get back into the High School Band Room.
- Pre Concert Activities
- The Band Parents will be selling the following items if you're interested:
- Star Grams ($1)
- Candy Grams ($2)
- Balloons (1 for $3 or 2 for $5)
- Flowers ($5)
- 6:15pm, Everything is set up and ready to go
- Wind Ensemble on stage for sound check. Run through a warm up exercise, tune, spot check
- Concert Band on stage for sound check. Run through a warm up exercise, tune, spot check
- Wind Ensemble sits with their stuff in the seats reserved in the back
- 7pm, Concert Begins at Pfeiffer Community Center (301 Blue Bell Rd, Williamstown, NJ 08094)
- Free Concert! No tickets necessary. Just show up!
- Concert Band performs
- Simple Gifts, Mvt 3 by Frank Ticheli
- Invicta by James Swearingen
- When Concert Band is finished performing, the Wind Ensemble students will come up on stage and the Concert Band students will go to the back of the auditorium to watch. Concert Band students must stay and watch the Wind Ensemble until the end of the concert.
- Wind Ensemble performs
- A Festival Prelude by Alfred Reed
- Symphonic Dance No. 3 "Fiesta" by Clifton Williams
- 8:30pm, Concert Ends (approximate)
- All of the instruments and equipment will need to be cleaned up before everyone's allowed to leave. We need to put the room back the way we found it (leave the space better than how we found it!).
- Select student volunteers will help load the instruments and equipment back onto the trailer beds/blue trailer. We will then unload and clean up at the high school.
Concert Etiquette Reminders for students
- Never enter/exit an auditorium in the middle of a piece unless it’s an emergency. Only enter when you hear applause.
- No talking, texting, sudden noises, or flash photography. Pictures without a flash are fine If you can’t resist the urge to talk to your friends while sitting next to them, don’t sit next to them.
Dress: Concert Black. Please arrive already dressed!
- Wind Ensemble
- Option 1: ALL BLACK. Tuxedo jacket and pants with long sleeve black dress shirt
- Option 2: ALL BLACK - Gown or one of the two Concert Band options
- Concert Band
- Option 1: ALL BLACK - Black blouse or dress top, ¾ sleeve length or longer. Full-length black skirt or full cut loose-fitting slacks. Black dress shoes and black hosiery.
- Option 2: ALL BLACK - Black dress shoes (no sneakers!), long black socks, black dress pants, black belt, and a black button down dress shirt. A black undershirt is preferred, especially if you are not wearing a tie. Black jacket and/or black tie optional. (No gray or dark blue.)
- Do not wear jeans, leggings, sneakers, polo shirts, or white socks. All concert dress items must be dress code approved. If you are not sure if your clothes are appropriate, ask in advance. Students who are not dressed properly will not be allowed to perform and you will need to complete an Alternate Assignment.