This week’s rehearsals
- Tuesday, 9/5 - Rehearsal (6pm - 9pm, 5:15pm report)
- Wednesday, 9/6 - First Day of School! - Pep Band (high school students only) Performs at 7:15am as all students walk into the building (6:30am report at theater entrance). All other information is in the Google Form that was posted.
- Thursday, 9/7 - Rehearsal (6pm - 9pm, 5:15pm report) & Band Parent Meeting (8pm in HS Band Room)
Friday, 9/8 - Home Football vs Millville HS
*Wear your blue member shirt and eat dinner before you arrive. You will not be able to eat a snack until after our half time performance.
- 5:30pm, Report for attendance, Pack Trailer, and Change into Uniforms
- 5:50pm, 1st load of pit equipment leaves and gets dropped off at the stadium (end of the track by the end zone gate). Pit crew can change into uniforms after the 2nd load of equipment is loaded and ready to be driven over).
- 6:15pm, Depart for stadium (with 2nd load of pit equipment).
- Set up Podium, Fountain Prop, and anything else needed for the performance at the end of the track by the end zone gate.
- Warm Up and Rehearse National Anthem at the stadium off to the side (if needed)
- 7pm, Game Starts
- Halftime Performance!
- 3rd Quarter Snack
- 9:30pm – Approximate game end
- 9:45pm – Approximate Return to WHS
- 10pm - Approximate Dismissal (after clean up)
*Please consider signing up to help move equipment (during half time performance)! Sign Up Link Coming Soon.
Saturday, 9/9 - Rehearsal (9am - 4pm)
- 7:30am - Leadership Workshop. Make sure you read through the packet! Come ready to discuss!
- 8:15am - Everyone Report to HS to load tractor for rehearsal (please eat breakfast before you arrive, you will not be able to eat until the late lunch break).
- 9am - Rehearsal Begins at Practice Field
- 12pm - Lunch Break
- 1pm/1:15pm - Rehearsal Resumes at Practice Field
- 4pm - Rehearsal Ends.
- 4pm until we're finished - Practice loading the blue trailer (at the football stadium) with all of the battery instruments, pit equipment, and props at the end of rehearsal. All percussionists, and students with trailer responsibilities should attend.
*Parents that wish to help us load/unload the trailer throughout the season should meet us at the blue trailer to learn how to properly strap instruments so nothing gets accidentally damaged throughout the season.
**Students that are not involved with loading the trailer will clean up and walk back to the high school with the other staff. After their items are cleaned up they are dismissed.
Upcoming rehearsals and performances
- Tuesday, 9/12 - Rehearsal (6pm - 9pm, 5:15pm report)
- Thursday, 9/14 - Away Football game at Lenape. Game starts at 7pm. Tentative report 5:15pm.
- Friday, 9/15 - Rehearsal (6pm - 9pm, 5:15pm report)
- Saturday, 9/16 - Home Show Competition! Tentative schedule below:
- 9:15am, Report
- 10am - 1pm, Rehearse at stadium
- 1pm - 3pm, Clean Up and Lunch
- 3pm, Competition Begins (announcements, National Anthem...etc.)
- 3:30pm, First Band performs. Students will host bands and/or watch bands.
- 5pm, Dinner and change into uniforms
- 6:30pm, Warm Up
- 8pm, Performance
- 8:30pm, Awards
- 10:30pm, Approximate Pick Up after clean up
*Please consider signing up to help at the Home Show by clicking here! We still need lots of volunteers for our biggest fundraiser of the school year! Even if you can't sign up for the entire day, any help is appreciated!