This Week's Rehearsals
- Tuesday, 10/29 - Rehearsal (6pm - 9pm, 5:15pm report)
- Wednesday, 10/30 - HS Fall Band Concert in Middle School Auditorium
- Only Wind Ensemble and Concert Band are performing. All are welcome to attend! Free event!
- Thursday, 10/31 - No Rehearsal. Enjoy Halloween!
- Friday, 11/1 - Rehearsal (4:30pm - 7:30pm, this includes set up and clean up)
- 4:30pm, Report
- 4:45pm, Load trailers, drive pit equipment to stadium
- 5pm, Unload, set up, and stretch
- 5:30pm (or sooner), begin rehearsing.
- 6:45pm, Clean Up and travel back to the HS
- 7:30pm, Pick up from HS Theater lot
*At the posting of this weekly schedule, I heard there may be a consolation game on Wednesday, but I have not received confirmation. If that's true we will not attend the football game due to our Fall Band Concert. I'll let everyone know if anything changes.
Saturday, 11/2 - Rehearsal & Parent Send Off Performance
- 11:30am - Slideshow and Group Activity.
- The Band Parents will provide a pasta party for the students to eat while they enjoy the group activities. Thanks Band Parents!
- 12:30pm - Load small trailers and walk over to the stadium
- 1:30pm - Rehearsal
- 3:30pm - Break to change into uniforms and eat a quick snack.
- The Band Parents will be selling air grams and candy grams before the performance.
- 4pm - Parent Send Off Performance in the MS Stadium (everyone's invited!)
- 4:15pm - Group Photos with the props (Parents are welcome to take pictures and be in some of the pictures too!)
- 4:30pm - Pack the blue trailer and box truck with everything we need for Sunday's performance at the MS football stadium. We will not need to pack on Sunday morning.
Sunday, 11/3, NJMBDA State Championships (the Final Competition of the season!) (The College of New Jersey, 2000 Pennington Rd, Ewing Township, NJ 08618)
- 9:30am - Report, uniform check, and use bathrooms before we leave.
- 9:40am - Depart WHS (1hr 30min bus ride)
- 11:10am - Arrive at TCNJ, unpack, bathrooms, and travel to warm up area.
- Use the bathrooms and eat lunch in the student center. The Band Parents will provide hoagies, chips, and drinks (Thank you Band Parents!)
- 12:05pm - Walk back to the buses to change into uniforms
- 12:25pm - Unpack the trucks
- 1:10pm - Visual & Music Warm Up
- 2:50pm - Williamstown performance
- Go to this website to purchase tickets. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Spectators are more than welcome to purchase tickets the day of the event, or even on their phone at the gate, but there will be no cash handling, or kiosks at TCNJ.
- 3:20pm - Awards
- 4:20pm - Approximate awards ends.
- Students will eat dinner after awards. The Band Parents will provide pizza and drinks (Thank you Band Parents!)
- 4:45pm - Load Buses and return home
- 6:15pm - Approximate Return to WHS
- 6:45pm - Approximate Dismissal (after clean up)
- Students will bring home uniforms to be washed and returned during one of the Christmas parade rehearsals. Uniform Washing & Drying Instructions.
Parent Volunteer Opportunities at the Competition:
- Prop and Instrument Pushing/ Set up Help
- A Volunteer to Record our final performance in the stands
- Please visit the sign up genius on the Band website to sign up:
Upcoming rehearsals and performances
- Tuesday, 11/5 - Rehearsal (if needed)
- Thursday, 11/7 - Rehearsal (if needed)
- Saturday, 11/9 - Rehearsal (if needed)
- Sunday, 11/10
- Rain Date for NJMBDA State Championships at Wayne Valley High School
- Half Marathon Pep Band (if no competition)
- Tuesday, 11/12 - BPA Meeting
- Friday, 11/15 - Christmas Parade Rehearsal (schedule coming soon, usually 4:30pm - 6pm)
- Friday, 11/22 - Christmas Parade Rehearsal (schedule coming soon, usually 4:30pm - 6pm)
- Tuesday, 12/3 & Thursday, 12/5 - Holiday Tour (schedule coming soon)
- Rain/Snow Date on Wednesday, 12/4
- Saturday, 12/7 - Salem & West Cape May Christmas Parades (schedule coming soon)
- West Cape May Rain/Snow Date on Sunday, 12/8
The Fun Doesn't Stop When Marching Band Ends!
- Monday, 11/11 - Jazz Ensemble, Indoor Percussion and Indoor Color Guard Interest Meetings in High School Band Room
- 2:30pm - Jazz Ensemble (WHS students only)
- 6pm - Indoor Percussion (WHS, WMS, and GCIT students welcome)
- 7pm - Indoor Color Guard (WHS, WMS, and GCIT students welcome)
- Show themes will be announced, rehearsal and performance calendars distributed, and questions answered! More information coming soon!
- Mandatory for a parent to attend. If a parent is unable to attend, please reach out to Mr. Kuntz asap.