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10/27 - 10/31 Weekly Schedule

Mr. Kuntz

This week’s rehearsals

Tuesday, 10/27 - Rehearsal (5:30pm - 9pm). Halloween Parade Recording.

- 5pm - Temperature Checks Begin. Make sure you wear your costume to rehearsal! (If you don't have a costume, you can wear your normal uniform). You will have time to change out of your costume before normal rehearsal begins.

- 5:30pm - 6pm, Record the students performing Ghost Busters while they march around the parking lot. We will be posting an edited video on social media to hopefully bring some joy to the community since there is no Halloween Parade this year. (Thanks Mr. D!)

- If you cannot make it to rehearsal early, please let Mr. Kuntz know asap

- 6pm - 9pm will run as a normal rehearsal. Make sure everything is set up ahead of time so we can start rehearsing right at 6pm.

Thursday, 10/29 - Rehearsal (6pm - 9pm), 5:30pm, Temperature Checks Begin.

Parents who inquired about coming to the football game, I will hand out tickets to your children at rehearsal on Thursday night. If rehearsal gets cancelled due to rain, I will hand out tickets on Friday as students arrive before the game.

Friday, 10/30 - Home Football Game vs. St. Augustine HS

5pm – Temperature checks begin. Students should change into uniforms immediately upon arrival. (wear your blue member shirt, eat dinner before you come, you will not be able to eat a snack provided by the Band Parents until the 3rd quarter).

5:30pm - All students are changed into their uniforms and all of their belongings that are not being taken to the football field are neatly organized inside the school. We will briefly warm up and rehearse 25 or 6 to 4 before departing.

6:15pm – Depart for Football Stadium

7pm - Game starts.

Half Time - Performance!

9:30pm – Approximate game end

9:45pm – Approximate Return to WHS

10pm - Approximate Dismissal

Saturday, 10/31 - Competition Day (Happy Halloween!)

- 9:30am - Report to High School, Theater Parking Lot (please wear your tour shirt and eat breakfast before you arrive, you will not be able to eat until the late lunch break).

- 10am, Students will participate in Senior Speeches tradition before rehearsal starts.

- 11am - Rehearsal begins

- 2pm - Eat and Dress at High School & Band Parents transport all equipment to football stadium. WBPA will be providing Hoagies for everyone! (see separate post on Remind/website for more information).

- 3pm - Students and Staff travel to football stadium

- 3:30pm - Re-Warm Up & Clean show in Football stadium

- 4:30pm - Record Performances. We welcome all family and friends to attend our performance starting at 4:30pm sharp! Feel free to come early to watch us rehearse and to get a good seat!

*Please wear face coverings and stay socially distanced while you are in the football stadium bleachers.

Students will be picked up at the high school after they change out of their uniforms and all of the equipment is cleaned up and put away properly.

Coming up…

- No Football on Friday, 11/6. It's an away game against Millville.

- Friday, 11/13, Possible Playoff Football TBD (will need to rehearse Christmas Parade Music for Holiday Tour before the game)

- Friday, 11/20, Possible Playoff Football TBD (will need to rehearse Christmas Parade Music for Holiday Tour before the game)

- Tuesday, 12/1 and/or Thursday, 12/3, Holiday Tour TBD. Still working out the logistics for this. Will hopefully have information for everyone over the next few weeks.

- Look out for information about Indoor Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, and the new Indoor Color Guard Club!


Williamstown High School

700 N. Tuckahoe Rd.

Williamstown, NJ 08094

(856) 262-8200

Site © 2021 Williamstown Band Parents Association.

Some items © 2021 Monroe Township Public Schools.

Additional copyrighted media used with permission.

All rights reserved.

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